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Claudia Subero

Company Owner at Kiko Creative Studio and Cursi Studio

Company Description

Kiko Creative Studio is a holistic design and marketing agency that offers a wide range of comprehensive services. Each project is supervised by the creative director to ensure unique style and high– quality outcomes. Our passion for design and exceptional visual communication is evident in everything we do.

Role Description

This is a remote contract role for a Photographer. The Photographer will be responsible for conducting photo shoots, editing photos, and delivering high– quality images to clients. The Photographer will also be responsible for maintaining equipment and managing their own workflow.


  • Experience in professional photography and photo editing
  • Knowledge of composition, lighting, and posing techniques
  • Excellent technical and problem– solving skills
  • Ability to work independently, manage own workflow, and meet deadlines
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Proficiency in relevant software and equipment
  • Degree in photography or related field is preferred
  • Experience with video production is a plus
  • Tipo de empleo

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